humanNOTbeing project
Recanati-London | 2022
I often create surreal human figures, without a face or with missing body parts, chimeras, fusions of bodies with other objects, "human NOT human" beings.
I like to imagine them like this, inhumane, because they do not exist, they cannot exist, but at the same time they manage to communicate, to act as a mirror, to become a symbol of something we have inside but we are no longer able to define and communicate.
Recanati Comics Festival, 2021
8 visioni d’arte al Circolo Arci La Serra di Recanati, 2020
I Fumi della Fornace, Valle Cascia (MC), 2020
Designof the cover of the album “Sattwa”
“Inciso”, Silicon Bar, Osimo (AN) 2018
Recanati Art Festival, 2017
A più voci, VI edition, Accademia Belle Arti di Macerata 2017
Dimora del tempo. Tra corpo, anima e passione, 2015